Motorola Hardware
- 88100
The original first-generation m88k CPU, introduced in 1989 and used in many workstation
and server systems.
Available with up to 33 MHz clock rates.
- 88110
The second generation m88k processor, unveiled in 1990 and shipped only in 1993 after many delays.
Clock rates from 40 to 50 MHz, costing from $360 to $495 in 1000-unit quantities.
- 88120
Planned, much-improved third-generation processor, never saw the light of the day though.
- 88200
Support processor to the 88100 CPU, providing management of the cache and MMU units.
The cache was attached to this chip, not the actual CPU.
- 88410
L2 cache controller for the 88110 second-generation processor.
MVME Boards
- MVME180 and MVME181
Stripped down versions of the MVME187 board.
Used partially in embedded functions.
- MVME187
Single-Board Computer, first system to faciliate a m88k CPU, namely the 88100.
Used in many systems from Motorola and 3rd-party verndors.
- MVME188 and MVME188A
SMP-capable MVME processing boards, only provide CPU and cache functions.
Up to four 88100 CPUs were supported on some models.
Successor to the MVME187, already using the new 88110 second-generation CPU.
- MVME197SP and MVME197DP
Improved versions of the MVME197LE, facilitating L2 caches of different sizes.
The DP featured 2-way 88110 SMP.
- MVME297
Memory expansion boards for the different MVME197 systems.
- MVME712
I/O boards which attached to the back of MVME boards and provided the necessary
different I/O connectors.
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